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Articles, Blogs, & Interesting Stuff

This page is intended to be a location for miscellaneous stuff I think worth knowing about or saving for later reference.  Usually it will be unrelated to anything I am working on, just, as I said, miscellaneous. 



Encyclopedia of BioAstronautics - Humans and Robots in Space Exploration, Friedman, 2019



Op-Ed published Feb.3, 2020:  Commenting on changes in the current NASA human space program focus on the Moon


Obituary for our good friend and colleague Dr. Slava

Linkin, published by The Planetary Society


Article published in Aerospace America (Jan 2019)

about a mission concept on which we are working, to

the Solar Gravity Lens Focus


Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Aug 2018,

with Paper by Louis Friedman and Slava Turyshev:  First Stop on the

Interstellar Mission



Humans to Mars Political History 

This paper is now included as an appendix in my new book: Planetary

Adventures from Moscow to Mars

Letter to Congress about NASA’s  Journey to Mars


Historical Reflection on What Has Made The Planetary Society Significant

[pdf] — remarks delivered at Huntington Library reception for Society charter members and donors


President Obama’s Arctic Trip – A Blog, 4 Sep 2015





 Congratulations to all those who’ve worked on and supported LightSail

over the past ten years.  I am very proud of our LightSail team and of the 

spacecraft designed and developed by Tom Svitek and Stellar Inc., and by

Jim Cantrell, our first project manager.  Congratulations to Dave Spencer

and his students first at Georgia Tech and then at Purdue, to Rex Ridenoure

and Ecliptic Enterprises  and to Doug Stetson a Tech and especially to the

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo teams who overcame difficulties during mission

operations to enable seeing the successful deployment test with LightSail-1

and then the full orbital flight of LightSail-2.   I express my appreciation to Bill Nye and The Planetary Society staff for their determination to make it happen.  





This picture overlays the wonderful “selfie”captured  by the

LightSail-1 camera system  (built by Aerospace Corporation) installed

on the spacecraft’s solar panels on a photo of the four “fathers of

LightSail,”  its originators and designers (from right to left): Jim

Cantrell, Tom Svitek, Louis Friedman, and an otherwise anonymous

member of The Planetary Society whose key donations made

it possible.





“Phobos Indeed,” an op-ed 20 Apr 2015



Canopus Award won by Louis Friedman and Slava Turyshev for our essay on the idea of a Solar Gravity Lens Mission

Finding Earth 2.0 at the Solar Gravity Lens Focus [pdf]


 Op-Ed: Government – Commercial space cooperation in the aftermath of the Antares and Spaceship Two Accidents


Two papers presented at the International Astronautical Congress -Oct 2014, Toronto, Canada:

Synergies of Robotic Asteroid Redirection Technologies and Human

Space Exploration   IAC-2014-ARM-KISSpaper (.pdf)

Science and Technology Steps Into the Interstellar Medium   IAC-2014-ISMpaper (.pdf)


Rethinking MSR  (.pdf)

A work-in-progress, re-thinking the role of Mars Sample Return in Mars Exploration planning.  I am discussing this with colleagues and invite comments.


ESA success with Rosetta (.PDF) Commentary,

10 Aug 2014



USA Today took me to see the new movie, INTERSTELLAR, and then

interviewed me about the science and reality of it all.   It was a terrific

movie — I admired the treatment of the physics.   The treatment of

engineering was over the top — but very entertaining,   The interview

is here.


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